Experience AI väljakutse

Tasuta väljakutse, mis aitab noortel teha tehisintellekti ja masinõppega projekte.

Miks osaleda?

The Experience AI Challenge can be used as a stretch project or supplementary resource to help young people develop a broader understanding of the influence of AI on society. It can be completed in three one-hour sessions.

By participating in the Challenge, with the support of mentors, young people develop a range of skills beyond coding, including ethical considerations, computational thinking, and design.

The Challenge is for AI beginners — mentors don't need any previous computing experience to support the activities, and young people don't need any to take part and become AI creators.

The Challenge can also be used by educators or volunteers outside of school settings, such as in a coding club, or by parents.

You can share your project with the world by submitting it to our Coolest Projects AI category.

Mida see hõlmab?

With the support of mentors and our free resources, young people are guided in how to train and test machine learning models that classify data such as audio, text, or images. Then they create their own model and use it to create a unique AI project.

The Challenge has three stages of activities:

  • Discovering how machine learning works and what projects are possible
  • Getting hands-on with a guided example project
  • Designing and creating a unique AI project

When you have created your project, celebrate what you have made by entering it into the AI category of Coolest Projects.

Kuidas alustada

  • Juurdepääsuks ressursipaketile registreeru või logi sisse oma Raspberry Pi Foundationi kontole.
  • Loe läbi paketis olev mentori juhend ja vaata alustamiseks õppevideot. Väljakutses on kolm etappi, mis hõlmavad umbes 3 tundi tegevust.
  • Jaga väljakutse alguses oma noortega looja juhendit ja töövihikut ning suuna nad lastele mõeldud veebilehtedele Machine Learning for Kids ja Scratch.
  • Seejärel tuleb noortel järgida juhendit ja kasutada töövihikut, et koostada masinõppemudel, kasutades tööriista Machine Learning for Kids ning seejärel kodeerida Scratchis mudelil põhinev rakendus.
  • Milliseid mudeleid noored loovad ja mida nende AI rakendus teeb, on nende endi otsustada. Lase nende kujutlusvõimel vabalt lennata.

Pane tähele, et kõik selle Experience AI väljakutse ressursid on ainult inglise keeles.

Laadi alla tasuta ressursipakett

Ressursipaketi allalaadimiseks logi esmalt sisse või loo tasuta Raspberry Pi Foundationi konto.
Enne allalaadimist esitame sulle mõned küsimused, mis aitavad meil mõista, kuidas noored kaasatakse Experience AI väljakutsesse.