Zur Erhöhung der Reichweite und Wirkung von Experience AI arbeiten wir mit einem globalen Partnernetz zusammen, um Material zu übersetzen und zu lokalisieren, es an Schulen zu vermitteln und die berufliche Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften zu unterstützen.
Are you an educator in a country where we have a partner? Contact them directly below.
Tech Kidz Africa
Tech Kidz Africa ist ein soziales Unternehmen mit Sitz in Mombasa, das die Kreativität junger Menschen in ganz Kenia durch digitale Fähigkeiten wie Programmieren, Robotik, App- und Web-Entwicklung und kreative Designansätze fördert.
Penang Science Cluster ist eine gemeinnützige, in Penang und ganz Malaysia tätige Organisation, deren Ziel es ist, Jugendliche mit kostenlosen Programmen für Wissenschaft und Technologie zu begeistern.
Digital and Beyond is a Kathmandu-based organisation with the vision to empower people through innovation, data, and personal development. Their community work focuses on unlocking future opportunities for Nepali citizens through digital transformation in schools, professional development, and running initiatives such as Code Club.
Kinia is a non-profit social enterprise addressing education inequality through innovative use of creative technology. Their mission is to empower educators and inspire young people, giving them opportunities to develop future-focused skills and unlock their full potential.
Latvian Internet Association (LIA) is a public organisation that brings together internet service providers and ICT. LIA also coordinates the Latvian Safer Internet Centre (Drossinternets.lv), which aims to educate and raise awareness among young people about how to use the internet more safely.
Fundacja OFF school empowers young people to confidently navigate adulthood. They foster decision-making skills, agency, and positive relationships, while helping young people connect with the job market and engage in their communities.
TUMO aims to empower young people by maximising their potential to face future challenges and seize opportunities. Their programme is free of charge and complementary to schools. It focuses on developing social competencies such as autonomy and collaboration alongside STEAM skills, enhancing young people’s ability to solve real-world problems.
Asociația Techsoup arbeitet mit Lehrkräften und Lernenden in Rumänien und Moldawien und bietet Grundschul-, Informatik- und IKT-Lehrkräften Kurse zur Erweiterung ihrer Kompetenz in den Bereichen Programmierung und digitale Technologie an.
Fad Juventud is a non-profit working to improve the well-being and quality of life of young people. They support young people with digital citizenship initiatives, as well as programmes focused on health, employment and emancipation, participation, gender, and leisure.
BTIDER, the Information Technologies and Internet Security Association, aims to contribute to the development of information technologies in Turkey and to educate more people to use the internet safely. Their mission is to help local communities improve their digital skills and create a safer environment in the digital world.
EdCamp Ukraine’s mission is to unite educators and help them grow, both personally and professionally. With over 47,000 community members, EdCamp Ukraine implements initiatives to support educational reform, educators’ professional development, and the introduction of best educational practices at Ukrainian schools.
Digital Moment ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation mit Sitz in Montreal, die junge Changemaker durch die Vermittlung digitaler Fähigkeiten fördern möchte. Sie unterstützt Lehrende und Lernende in ganz Kanada beim Unterricht zu den Themen Computer, Programmieren und KI.
Wenn Ihre Organisation die nächste Generation führender KI-Köpfe als Mitglied unseres Experience AI-Partnernetzwerks inspirieren möchte, würden wir gerne von Ihnen hören.