I nostri partner

Collaboriamo con una rete di partner in tutto il mondo per aumentare la portata e l'impatto di Experience AI. Questi partner collaborano con noi per tradurre e localizzare le risorse, promuoverle nelle scuole e supportare lo sviluppo professionale degli insegnanti.

Are you an educator in a country where we have a partner? Contact them directly below.


Tech Kidz Africa
Tech Kidz Africa è un'impresa sociale con sede a Mombasa che coltiva la creatività dei giovani in tutto il Kenya attraverso le competenze digitali, tra cui programmazione, robotica, sviluppo di app e web e pensiero progettuale creativo.
Young Scientists Kenya
Young Scientists Kenya (YSK) is a STEM initiative, active in all 47 counties across Kenya, that aims to inspire and empower the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs to transform their communities. YSK works primarily with high school students from public schools, and has a ‘Leave No Learner Behind’ campaign that focuses on students from arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs), schools for learners with special educational needs and disabilities, and schools for refugees.


Penang Science Cluster
Penang Science Cluster è un'organizzazione senza scopo di lucro che opera a Penang e in tutta la Malesia. Il suo obiettivo è stimolare l'interesse dei giovani per la scienza e la tecnologia fornendo accesso a programmi gratuiti.
Digital and Beyond
Digital and Beyond è un’organizzazione con sede a Kathmandu che si propone di migliorare le prospettive delle persone attraverso l’innovazione, i dati e lo sviluppo personale. Opera nelle comunità, puntando sulla creazione di opportunità future per i cittadini nepalesi attraverso la trasformazione digitale nelle scuole, lo sviluppo professionale e la realizzazione di iniziative come il Code Club.
Saudi Arabia and the UAE
Amideast is an American nonprofit engaged in international education, training, and development activities in the Middle East and North Africa. They believe that self-forged, fulfilled lives lead to understanding, mutual respect, and a more peaceful, productive world.


Kinia is a non-profit social enterprise addressing education inequality through innovative use of creative technology. Their mission is to empower educators and inspire young people, giving them opportunities to develop future-focused skills and unlock their full potential.
Latvian Internet Association
Latvian Internet Association (LIA) is a public organisation that brings together internet service providers and ICT. LIA also coordinates the Latvian Safer Internet Centre (Drossinternets.lv), which aims to educate and raise awareness among young people about how to use the internet more safely.
Fundacja OFF school
Fundacja OFF school empowers young people to confidently navigate adulthood. They foster decision-making skills, agency, and positive relationships, while helping young people connect with the job market and engage in their communities.
TUMO Portogallo
TUMO mira a dare potere ai giovani massimizzando il loro potenziale per affrontare le sfide future e cogliere le opportunità. Ha un programma gratuito e complementare alle scuole, che si concentra sullo sviluppo di competenze sociali, come l’autonomia e la collaborazione, insieme alle competenze STEAM, migliorando la capacità dei giovani di risolvere i problemi del mondo reale.
Asociația Techsoup
Asociația Techsoup lavora con insegnanti e studenti in Romania e Moldavia, formando insegnanti di informatica, TIC e scuola primaria per sviluppare le loro competenze sulla programmazione e la tecnologia digitale.
Fad Juventud
Fad Juventud is a non-profit working to improve the well-being and quality of life of young people. They support young people with digital citizenship initiatives, as well as programmes focused on health, employment and emancipation, participation, gender, and leisure.
BTIDER, the Information Technologies and Internet Security Association, aims to contribute to the development of information technologies in Turkey and to educate more people to use the internet safely. Their mission is to help local communities improve their digital skills and create a safer environment in the digital world.
EdCamp Ucraina
La missione di EdCamp Ucraina è quella di unire i formatori e aiutarli a crescere, sia personalmente che professionalmente. Con una comunità di oltre 47.000 membri, EdCamp Ucraina implementa iniziative per sostenere la riforma dell’istruzione, lo sviluppo professionale dei formatori e l’introduzione delle migliori pratiche educative nelle scuole ucraine.
FSM (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter)
FSM, the German Association for Voluntary Self-Regulation of Digital Media Service Providers, is a nonprofit focused on protecting young people in online media. They promote media literacy for children, young people, parents, teachers, and educational specialists.
HK Unicorn Squad
HK Unicorn Squad is a movement providing technology and robotics education for girls in Estonia. Their mission is to increase girls’ interest in technology, robotics, and science from an early age and increase the number of women working in ICT.
The Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) was founded in 1983 and is the largest research centre in Greece. FORTH’s Institute of Computer Science (ICS) works to perform high-quality research, promote education and training, and contribute to the development of the information society. FORTH-ICS operates the Greek Safer Internet Centre, dedicated to promoting safe and responsible internet use.
Vedliai is an education system in Lithuania offering high-quality content for teaching computer science. Collaborating with Lithuanian schools, they empower future leaders to go beyond consuming technology, equipping them to create it and contribute to meaningful societal progress.
United Kingdom
Parent Zone
Parent Zone is a UK-based international social enterprise that sits at the heart of digital family life, providing advice, knowledge, and support to shape the best possible future for children as they embrace the online world.

North America

Digital Moment
Digital Moment è un'organizzazione senza scopo di lucro con sede a Montreal, impegnata a offrire a giovani promotori del cambiamento i necessari strumenti e competenze digitali. Supporta insegnanti e studenti in tutto il Canada nell'apprendimento dell'informatica, della programmazione e dell'alfabetizzazione sull'intelligenza artificiale.
Education for Sharing (E4S)
Education for Sharing (E4S) is an international nonprofit organisation based in Mexico that forms better global citizens through innovative education based on the power of play. They aim to be a world leader in the formation of global citizens who play, reflect, propose, and participate in an environment where they are valued and where they see themselves as agents of change.
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